About Us

1 on 1 Training

The number one reason most people fail in achieving their weight loss and fitness goals is because they fail to make it a lifestyle.

You have to make yourself accountable, this is one of the greatest aspects of our fitness program, that you and us workout every single week on the days and times that you choose. You are not only accountable to yourself–but to your trainer too. And, trust me; you will be thinking about him/her all throughout your week!

Yes, this accountability to your trainer will add a little pressure. Just remember that NOTHING IN LIFE THAT’S WORTH DOING gets done without a DEADLINE or some SENSE OF URGENCY. We will give you continual deadlines a sense of urgency that you have not yet been able to generate for yourself.

You will be consistently performing at a higher level to produce the results that you want thru UPGRADING your approach when needed, ELEVATING your level of knowledge and experience, and RAMPING UP your values, standards, and rules. Also TRAINING and GUIDING you EVERY SINGLE WEEK during our time together will ensure that you execute at the highest level for a long enough period of time to get the results your really want.

Now, Just a Six-Month Commitment Is Required—With A Satisfaction GUARANTEE.

We have made getting into this training program a whole lot easier for you! The investment for this six-month program is at a reduced rate starting at $40 per session depending in how many times you will be training with us. You will be committed to six (6) months of our services when you enroll. You will be charged automatically the same day every month, BUT YOU CAN CANCEL AT ANY TIME AFTER TWO MONTHS if you are not completely satisfied with the program.

Take action NOW. STEP UP and start the journey to the body and health that you deserve! By clicking the ENROLL NOW button.

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